Opal Rough and Mining Locations

Main Opal producing areas in Australia

This map shows major Opal producing areas/towns in Australia. The Opal is mostly found in Cretaceeous Sediment formations related to an Ancient Ocean Basin (Green/Yellow)

Typical entrance to an underground mine.

This where the Drill hole has been adapted and widened at the base to allow people to climb in. Often the start point to a large network of tunnels. The rim at the top stops dirt falling in, and gives an anchor for the ladder and security arrangements.

Underground Mining maze

This shows a tunnel intersection/hub at the Opal level underground. Often 30 or 60 feet below gound. Miners follow the trace and Opal leading to mazes of tunnels like these. Knowing where you are is quite important if you want to get back out again.

Open cast/Surface Mining

Mining at the surface where Opal levels hit ground often look like this. Excavator to move the ground, a Pile of Rocks, here its Ironstone, and people looking for Opal Trace/Boulders with colour showing to see if the fuel is paid for that day. If your lucky you hit a Pocket of several Loaded stones in one area. Often where faults meet.

Nice Haul , Queensland

These 5 buckets are full of Boulder Opal chunks. You would be very happy if you came away with this in your truck. Some Blue/Purples showing here even when dry.

Rough Opal Parcel, Coober Pedy

These are rough seam Opals from Coober Pedy, As dug from the mine. Some colour showing here, they are Flat bars with Potch and Skin on them.

Lightning Ridge Agitators

Mining at Lightning Ridge requires the dirt to be cleaned once its mined. The Rock is harder than some eplaces and the Opal hides in Sandy nodules. These wash the dirt in the repurposed drums of mixers. Plus a lot of water.

Rough Lightning Ridge Opal parcel, once cleaned.

In an event called a " Tail out" Miners empty the Agitators and search the remains of the washed material. This is what your looking for. Black Opal with Green/Blues, and if your lucky Red/Golds.

One of the Opal Fields at Coober Pedy

when you arrive at an Opal field you will certainly notice in most cases, these are the Potch and Rock from all the underground mines in the area. The more piles, the more Opal has come from that area. Or at least the mining has been carried out.

Coober Pedy Opal Field from the Air

From the Air it is very clear where the Opal is (or was before mining) A few opal fields can be seen here stretching into the far distance. Some being very old.

Opal mining in Ethiopia

This shows the location of Opal Deposits in Ethiopia. The highlands are quite inhospitable, and has Volcanoes to. (source of the Opal) Miners have a hard time of getting to the Opal levels before they even start mining.

Closer into a Mine, open cut in Ethiopia.

These miners have found Opal and are now following the patch into the rock.

Rough Welo Crystal Opal Parcel

These Crystal Opal Nodules have Bright Multicolours. Good sizes, displayed here on the local newspaper.